How to Take Care for the Skin Around Your Eyes

Posted on April 21, 2021 in Basics of Skincare

How to Take Care for the Skin Around Your Eyes

The eyes are one of the most important features on your face. It’s easy to neglect them, but they need just as much love and attention as any other part of your skin. This post will show you how to take care of the skin around your eyes so you can have a more youthful appearance with fewer wrinkles or puffiness!

The skin around your eyes is sensitive and delicate. So it’s important to take care of it so you can look fresh and youthful! Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Follow a daily skincare routine with gentle products for the area around your eyes.
  • Wear sunglasses when outside during peak hours of UV exposure, which is between 10 am – 4 pm. The sun damages your skin by producing free radicals, which cause wrinkles and dark spots over time.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching the eye area, which will often lead to inflammation or infection.

Take care of the delicate skin around your eyes

The eyes are the most important organ in the face. They can speak a lot about you and your age, so take care of them! That’s why we’re here to share some tips on how to take care of the skin around your eyes! Be sure to read this information before starting using anti-wrinkle skincare products! You may also use retinol creams, hyaluronic acid serum, anti-aging cream, and natural skincare products. The first thing we want to mention is that it is crucial not to neglect this delicate area – even though sometimes it may seem like there’s nothing special going on (if you don’t have any wrinkles or other problems), make that you never forget about taking care of the skin around your eyes. You should use some gentle cream every day, and it’s especially important if you’re using makeup – don’t forget to remove all of it before going to bed.

There are a lot of products on the market that are designed specifically for taking care of this skin area – most of them contain peptides, which are very effective in reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging. However, if you’re unsure what to choose, we suggest consulting with a dermatologist or an esthetician. They will help you find the right product for your individual needs and skin type.

area around your eyes

Ways to thicken skin under your eyes

Wear sunglasses: Sunglasses will make your eyes appear smaller and less wrinkly, and the darkness of the lenses will make everything look bigger and more inflated. Opt for dark or mirrored glasses to achieve maximum results.

Keep skin moisturized:  Moisturizing eye creams with vitamin E, collagen, hyaluronic acid, beta carotene, and ceramides can help increase hydration in the skin around your eyes while plumping out fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production in the dermis.

Apply a thickening cream under your makeup: using a thicker base underneath your concealer or foundation makes it so that when you apply concealer on top, it fills in all the tiny lines and makes the area look smoother.

Try a Dermaplaning treatment: This skin resurfacing treatment uses a scalpel to gently shave off the top layer of dead skin cells, revealing a smoother, brighter complexion.

Use a cold compress: A cold compress can help reduce inflammation and puffiness in the area around your eyes. Place a few ice cubes in a paper towel and hold them against your eyes for a few minutes.